24 Hours of Prayer.
Clovis campus! It’s happening.
Get ready for Prayer Surge 2020!
Join us with the rest of the GCC campuses for 24 hours of prayer
from Friday, Jan 17 @ 7pm - Sat, Jan 18 @ 7pm.
Last year God moved. He's going to move again.
What is PRAYER Surge 2020
Prayer Surge 2020 is a 24-hour prayer event designed to bring a sudden powerful forward movement to our people and our mission through a brief but intense period of united prayer and fasting.
“Prayer and fasting is a surge of faith within the human spirit that repositions us. Just as a surging wave moves a surfer from a standstill into a powerful forward momentum, prayer and fasting moves us from weakness into the power of God”- PASTOR DAVID CANNISTRACI
We are calling it a surge for good reasons. A surge is defined as “a sudden powerful forward movement.” It is also defined as a sudden large increase, a major deployment of military forces to reinforce soldiers, a powerful rush of emotion or feeling, and a sudden marked increase in electrical voltage or current. We believe Prayer Surge 2020 will be all of that, and more.
Why PRAYER Surge 2020?
The enemy is resisting God’s people as never before. We believe now is that time that God desires us to accelerate His work within us, catapulting us past the opposition into a greater season of blessing, favor and multiplication. When we pray TOGETHER, there is supernatural agreement, synergy and results! PRAYER SURGE 2020 will be an intense mobilization of praying believers to release new spiritual power that will reinforce us as we move into the New Year together.
We are welcoming everyone at GateWay to join us in this extraordinary prayer event. You can choose to be a part in any of the following ways:
1) FAST for 24 hours with us from sundown on January 17 to sundown on January 18
2) GATHER with your campus at the designated PRAYER SURGE 2020 campus prayer meeting held Friday, January 17th at 7pm.
3) PRAY with us anytime during the 24 hours…
At GateWay Clovis campus, Friday, January 17th we will be begin our night at 7pm. After a time of worship, we will join the San Jose campus live stream as pastor David shares a short teaching on the importance of prayer. We will finish up the evening with more worship and conclude around 9 pm.
We challenge you to join us in PRAYER SURGE 2020 at GateWay and experience God’s power in your life as never before.