Easter Sunday
A hope that broke through and shattered the darkness.
A hope that will fill your life with purpose, give you peace beyond what you can comprehend and
strengthen you as you walk through life changed and are made brand new.
A hope that broke through and shattered the darkness.
A hope that will fill your life with purpose, give you peace beyond what you can comprehend and
strengthen you as you walk through life changed and are made brand new.
Join us for a special Friday Night Prayer with our campus pastors and special guest, MaryAlice Isleib! We love our Friday Night Prayer times! Join with us as we ask God to “release” us into healing for our nation!
Join us for a special Friday Night Prayer with our campus pastors and special guest, Eric Butler! We love our Friday Night Prayer times! Join with us as we ask God to “restore” what has been taken from us.
Come and see the beauty of God’s heart for people in a way you’ve never seen before.
Ladies, we’ve got a great line up of speakers! “Those who hope in the Lord will RENEW their strength...” Isaiah 40:31 NIV
Ladies meet us at the pool!