Communication is Key


“Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2

Communication is key to any healthy relationship. Whether that relationship is your marriage, your family, friends, or whoever. In my personal experience, I've never had an absent best friend, or a silent boyfriend. The most vital relationships in my life are the people I’m speaking to openly and regularly.  

In the same regard, prayer is vital to our relationship with God. Prayer is the way in which we talk to God, and he talks to us.   

So, what’s your first thought when it comes to prayer? Does thinking about prayer bring you anxiety? Do you shy away from praying because you don’t know what to say? Maybe you simply don’t want to pray because you feel disappointment or anger about your current circumstances. Maybe there is something you know you need to confess that you aren’t willing or ready to. There are various reasons we don’t pray, most of which stem from our own insecurities, stubbornness, or pride.

The irony is that talking to God will help remedy all those things. When we open our hearts to God and invite Him into those anxious, self-conscious moments, He gives us his peace and assuredness to move forward. When we share our hurts and disappointments with our Heavenly Father, He comforts us right where we are at. When we confess our sins, God reminds us that he has removed our transgressions from us as far as the East is from the West. God simply wants to commune with us. Prayer is how we do that.

Prayer doesn’t have to be anything fancy or intricate. Most of my mornings and prayers start with, “Hey God.” It’s a simple invitation for the Lord to be a part of the start and the whole of my day. As I have a continual conversation with God, I not only feel closer to Him, but I also find that so much of what fills my thoughts with distraction and discouragement is replaced with gratitude and hope. God wants to be involved in your life in a real and consistent way.

I encourage you today, to start your own conversation. Simply invite God into where you are at right now, and say, “Hey God...” He’s waiting to chat.

By Chelsea Galindo