I Missed My Chance


There’s a portion of scripture that talks about the seasons of life, that “to everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven.” As I have grown older, I have seen those seasons play out within my own life, and the one thing I have discovered is seasons change BUT God does not.  

No matter how old we are, God wants to remind us, it is not over. He loves to restore and redeem years that we think we have lost. In His faithfulness He wants to remind you, He “knows the plans He has for you, not to harm you, but to give you a future and a hope.”  

The power in that promise is its ability to transcend seasons. No matter where you find yourself, you can be confident that your Father is thinking about you and has a purpose for your life. The enemy would love to whisper in your ear that you missed your chance to be used by God, that your age disqualifies you, that you are no longer relevant; however, that is not true! In fact, it is the opposite. 


There is a younger generation that needs you. A generation crying out to be heard, and also to hear the things you have to impart. How many need the wisdom and encouragement you have to offer, and to hear about the faithfulness of God? We are the ones who have lived out the verse, “I have been young and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken.” 


The greatest influences in my life have come from the older generation. Their example, listening ear, words of wisdom, and prophetic impartation is what helped anchor me when I needed it most. At times, I ask myself, “what if they would have believed the lie that they were too old and had nothing to offer?” I for one, and many others, would have missed out on so much. 


There is a promise to those who think they have “aged out.” Psalms 92:14, “Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain VITAL and green.” Vital, meaning absolutely necessary, important, essential! How awesome it is that no matter how old, we are still called to produce good fruit. So, get ready, the best is yet to come! 

By Pastor Dori Bannister