In Jesus, everything is BRAND NEW!


“Therefore, if anyone is IN CHRIST, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come!” 2 Cor. 5:17

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a new creation? Do we just magically change? What does that process look like?

Being “in Christ” means we accept a new identity in Him. We no longer identify with our past burdens, sins and shortcomings. They are washed away, and we receive a new start! Picture a caterpillar and the process of becoming a butterfly—it's a full transformation!

The idea of being brand new isn’t a small thing. This changes everything for us, and yet, many of us live unaware of this important concept. We carry our past, what people think of us, and burdens like shame and sorrow, and therefore do not experience the fullness of what a life in Jesus means for us. Jesus wants to lift these burdens off your life for good!

To be brand new means we need to let go of habits, attitudes and mindsets that do not align with who Jesus says we are. In other words, we must embrace this new identity, believe what He says about us, and continually surrender to the Holy Spirit who is shaping us daily to be like Him.

You are no longer what people have said you are. You are no longer defined by your past. You no longer need to live in shame over mistakes, worry for your future, or wonder if anything good is coming for you. You are IN Christ, and now you have access to all that is promised in the word of God! You are washed clean and set free. God has paid for your shortcomings, and He sees you as a beloved daughter. You are loved. You are seen. You are chosen!

I encourage you today, remind yourself of the promises of God. What is God telling you about who you are? What does HE say about your struggles right now? What does He say about your future? Write out the promises of God and meditate on them daily. Align your thoughts with what God says. Give your burdens to God daily, and leave them there. God is shaping you into the brand-new person He created you to be. Walk in that confidently today!

-Pastor Cari