The day after disappointment.


That feeling….that feeling the day after the disappointment…..   

My boss came into my office and told me she thought I was the person to lead the organization after she retired - so I needed to get a master’s degree – within 3 years. I spent $50,000 for the degree and did all that she asked of me while working full time, with three teenagers at home.  After all that, they gave the promotion to someone else.  Because I had fasted about this decision, and tearfully prayed my way through it, I can’t even put into words the depth of disappointment that swallowed me. 


Many of you have also suffered deep loss during this pandemic season…..loss of jobs…loss of friendships….marriages failed...and some have even lost loved ones.  During our time of disappointment is when we face our greatest test of faith

Be careful how you deal with disappointments.  You can either dwell on the negative, which will cause you to stumble because your disappointment can easily zap the spiritual strength out of you, or you can focus on Christ. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”   A phrase I told myself many times was “God writes straight with crooked lines.”  In the midst of my disappointment, I had to continue to trust that it was God who would get me to the right place. 

Be vulnerable before the Lord. God already knows how you feel. Don’t try to hide your emotions, but instead bring them to Him. I know first-hand that disappointment is painful. But disappointment will either drive you away from God or it is going to drive you to God. God understands how you feel. Talk to Him about your questions, your doubts, your confusion.  Psalm 61:1-2 “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”    

Return to worship. King David fasted and prayed for the healing of his son. Instead of turning away from the Lord after his son died, David worshipped! By worshipping you’re affirming your trust in the Lord. You’re saying, I might not know why this happened, but I know that You are good.  2 Samuel 12:20 “But when David… understood that the child was dead... he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.” 

Remember God sees what you can’t see and He knows what you don’t know.  Bring all your emotion and your disappointment to the Lord and worship Him.  God will bring you through this to the GOOD future He has waiting for you.   

by Pastor Carol Coen

Carrie Cannistraci