When hope becomes reality.


We all experience the struggle - that difficult time between when God’s promise is given and His provision is released, when it seems like nothing fits…nothing makes sense. That first Easter was gut-wrenching for Jesus’ disciples. Their hope of a savior, and a new kingdom, seemed to vanish when Jesus died on the cross and was buried in the tomb. What hope did they have now? 

You may have gone through a similar time. You received a promise from God and have been immersing yourself in truth from His Word. You know what to do. You ensure the confession of your mouth reflects the faith in your heart. Yet, that day of release seems delayed. Like the prophet Jeremiah, you keep hope alive by renewing your reservoir daily. Lamentations 3:22-24 “His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness…. therefore, I will hope in Him.” 

You continue to hope and pray, and although you do nothing differently, all of a sudden everything changes.  In one day, everything changes…. and it all fits….it all makes sense. 

Last week, my husband and I needed to move one of those big, plastic sheds from one part of our yard to another. We took it apart and carried half of it at a time over to the new location.  But when we tried to put it back together, it just wouldn’t fit. We had apparently gotten ahead of ourselves trying to reassemble the shed. We struggled until finally John took it all apart and reassembled the pieces one at a time - in the order they needed to be assembled - following the plan. 

As we put the last two pieces together, aligning them as they had been designed, they fit together perfectly. They made a “clunk” sound and literally locked themselves into place. The shed was now complete, sturdy, and able to carry the weight for which it was designed. 

On resurrection day God’s purpose and design aligns, time is erased, and hope becomes reality. Everything that you have wondered about suddenly makes sense.  It is not that God suddenly becomes faithful to His promises; He was faithful all along. Resurrection day is just when it all becomes visible. On resurrection day God comes through, just as you hoped He would - and it all fits according to His design. He heard your prayers. Micah 7:7 “… I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.” 

Make your decision to stay in confident, Biblical hope, and then exuberantly celebrate God’s faithfulness on your own resurrection day.  If it isn’t here yet……it’s coming! 

by Pastor Carol Coen