God the Father.


 1 John 3:1 - look with wonder at the depth of the Father's marvelous love that he has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children.  

Some people say that God the Father is the big man in the sky or the man upstairs. Many people can’t relate to God as a loving father because of hurtful experiences with their earthly father. But Father God is far from an elusive or cosmic being in the sky. He is the lover of your soul and a generous Father who loves showering gifts on His children. James 1:17 says, “every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, it comes down from the father of lights.”  

God’s greatest desire is for you to know you’re deeply loved by Him and He created you to have a loving relationship with Him. Not only did he create heaven and the earth, but he formed you and said you’re wonderfully made. You’re unique and there is no one else in the world like you.  

Hopefully you grew up knowing an amazing father who showered you with love. But if he was an absentee or uncaring father, I know it might be hard for you to believe you’re unconditionally loved by Your Heavenly Father. It’s true, the minute you became a child of God, all the good gifts spoken of in the book of James belong to you.   

Thirty years ago, my natural father passed away and I was so broken-hearted I didn’t think I was going to make it through another day.  After a few days of grieving, I felt the tangible love of God. I was truly amazed and it was as though God’s love was wrapping me in a blanket of supernatural peace. Maybe you’ve had a similar loss of a loved one. The Father of lights has promised to shower you with His abundant love because you belong to Him.  

Matthew 7:11 says, “... your Father who is in Heaven gives good gifts to those who ask Him.” 

I encourage you to believe your Heavenly Father will pour out the gift of love on you. Open up your heart today to receive every blessing that comes from His generous hand. 

by Pastor Kathy Cannistraci