The Emotions of God.


“O Lord, You have searched me and know me…. You hem me in—behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” (Ps. 139:1, 5-6) 

Have you ever forgotten about someone? I am not talking about just forgetting to say hi, but REALLY forgot about someone. For example, missing a coffee date. You get a text that says, “Hey! Just got here! See you soon!” Or how about, “I thought YOU were going to pick up the kids?!” Wait, I have a much worse scenario! What about someone you have accidentally flaked on multiple times and now you realize you have officially created a pattern? Yikes! 

We have all let someone down and missed details like this. The heaviness it creates in the moment makes us rush to fix it or to cover it with a story for why we have messed up. We blame it on someone or something to feel less bad or embarrassed. Ugh. It's just messy. We hurry to make excuses because shame causes us to hide and cover up.  

In Psalm 139 we learn how tuned in God is to us. He does not make these mistakes. He is actually incapable of any sin and always near us, knowing when we rise and when we lay our head down to sleep. This entire chapter specifically describes the uncountable precious thoughts the Lord has for us and that they outnumber the grains of sand. He keeps record of our achievements, and His hand of blessing follows us. I know, it seems kind-of unbelievable. His pattern is so consistent that He promises when we seek Him, He will be found. Every time.  

You and I cannot even imagine how precious we are to him. He would never leave you feeling abandoned or forget about your greatest pain or nagging shame that keeps you up at night. He longs to bring resolve and truth. His Word is filled with scriptures to remind and compel us to seek His truth and search our hearts. He awaits fellowship with us and will meet you at any place, at any time, ready to love and give you exactly what you need most in the moment. He also sends us little reminders…little nudges in our spirits. Can you think of a time when you just had the feeling, I need to run to Jesus right now? Shame vanishes when He draws us into His presence of love and comfort. He is a gracious Father who communicates through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. 

Today, ask God this remarkably simple question:  What do you think about me? He will tell you. He cannot contain His overwhelming love for you and your only job in that moment is to RECEIVE. Receive His truth and it will chase shame and all its wicked partners out of your life. 

by Pastor April Cannistraci