Gateway is moving to Planning Center Online (PCO) - our new church management software! Our official launch date is June 1, 2021.
A detailed training schedule can be viewed below. In Phase 1, all Gateway staff will complete each of the trainings. In Phase 2, we will train specific groups and departments (those who need to attend will be notified).
Phase 1: All Staff Training
Phase 1: Five basic areas that ALL staff need to know (training dates: every other week in Feb/Mar).
Training Schedule:
People - Feb 3 (Wed)
Workflows - Feb 16
Forms - Mar 2
Registration/Events - Mar 16
Groups - Mar 30
Phase 2: Specific Group Training
Phase 2: Planning Center deep dive for specific staff groups - hands on training by invitation (training dates: weekly through April/May)
Training Schedule:
Communications & Lists (Reports) - Apr 13
Groups Part 2 & 3 - Apr 20 & 27
Check-Ins - May 4
Volunteer - May 11
Mobile App - May 18
Multi-site - May 25
Why Planning Center Online (PCO)?
It's all about people.
Our vision is to Inspire Transformed Lives - and this tool will enable us to love people, connect with people and shepherd people in a stronger way.
It will help us build the Gateway global family.
This program is the closest of anything we've seen that can handle our specific needs as a multi-site church. We will be rolling this out to all the campuses, providing an easy tool that will keep us connected, growing and supported in a simple way.
Phase 1: Training
We want this transition to be painless! We have broken down Planning Center and created lessons with only the items you actually need to know.
Below you will see sections with lessons that include a summary, short articles and/or videos, and a checklist for you to complete. You will only see lessons for items we have already reviewed in our trainings.
Logging In
Welcome to planning center! In this lesson, you'll learn how to log into our new church database system.
You will have received an email with your Planning Center login information. If you didn't receive it or can't find it please contact Natalie DeAmicis Fu.
Save the following URL. This is what you will use to log in each time:
Please read the article below and complete the check-list.
Planning Center Support
If you need help with something within Planning Center, you can search their database of "how-to" articles or submit a "help ticket." The article & video below will walk you through how to do that. Planning Center support is addressed from from minute 1:00-2:00 in the video.
Lesson 1: Editing Profiles
In this lesson, you will learn how to
Search for people
Edit a profile
Edit/create households
Please read the articles below and complete the check-list.
Lesson 2: Adding People
In this lesson you will learn
How to add a person
How to update info in their custom fields
How to add a note to their profile
Please read the following articles below and complete the check-list.
Lesson 1: What Is A Workflow?
A workflow is a series of steps to help church staff or leaders communicate with people in your church through processes, such as becoming a member, receiving information as a first time guest, or serving in a ministry.
In this lesson you will learn:
What a workflow is
The most common ways churches utilize workflows
Lesson 2: Workflow Assignments
In this lesson you will learn:
How to follow up with a workflow card (i.e. something that is assigned to you).
How to add an internal note, send an email, or reassign a card.
Lesson: Forms
Planning Center uses forms to get necessary information from people (i.e. phone #, email addresses), which saves time on data entry and follow up. Some examples would be: connect cards, prayer requests, or volunteer interests. Forms are not used for event registration.
In this lesson you will learn:
How to create a form
How to share a form URL
How to view form submissions
Lesson: Events, Registrations, Calendar
In this lesson you will learn:
Overview of Calendar module
Overview of Registration module
How to get help
Lesson 1: Introduction
The Groups module within Planning Center will help you manage your members, plan events, take attendance, and share resources.
In this lesson you will learn:
How to access your groups
How to edit your groups
How to communication with your groups
Lesson 2: Church Center
Church Center is the public side of Groups. It’s where people who are not on staff can learn which groups are open, where they're located, how often they meet, and other important group details.
In this lesson you will learn:
Where to view all open groups
How to search/filter groups
The basic components of a group’s page
Phase 2: Training
In the following trainings, we will break each module down into specific actions you will need to know. If you haven’t completed Phase 1, you may want to do that before starting these next lessons. Phase 1 sets the foundation that Phase 2 will build upon.
In this lesson you will learn:
How to send an email within PCO
How to send a Text within PCO (coming soon!)
How and when to add a Note to someone’s profile.
Lists (i.e. Reports)
Lists allow you to filter your people based on their information and activity.
Groups: Part 2
At Gateway we have three types of groups: Life Groups and Freedom Groups are the first two. These are listed on Church Center (the public side of Planning Center) and Gateway members will be able to search these groups and join them. Our third type is Unique groups. These are groups that are listed internally only and not viewable to the public.
In this lesson, you will learn:
How to request a group be added to PCO
-Fill out the Gateway Groups Request Form.
How to add/remove group members
Report for your group
Resources for your group
How to filter/search for information about your groups
Your Homework:
-Add your members into your groups
-Download the Church Center App
Groups: Part 3
In this lesson, you will learn to:
Create a Group Event
Take attendance (on a desktop & on the Church Center App)
Manage Group Settings
Group Communication:
Events Process
In this lesson, you will learn:
When to request an event in Planning Center (PCO)
Most events are approved during our master calendar planning meeting each fall. After the calendar is set, you will submit the request within Planning Center (PCO) to reserve the date/time, room, and any resources needed. If additional event ideas come up throughout the year, they will need to be approved before entering into PCO (For San Jose, events are approved by Pastor David/Chris/Cari).
How to submit a complete event request in PCO:
Selecting template, inputting event info, reserving rooms
For resources email Ruby Montoya & Jeremy Chase.
Make any changes/edits
How to know when your event request (including rooms/resources) has been approved.