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Homeless Outreach

  • West Parking Lot, Gateway San Jose 5883 Eden Park Place San Jose, CA 95138 (map)

Serving the homeless with dignity. Partner with us to make a difference in our city!

Gateway San Jose, in collaboration with Meet the Challenge (MTC) and 13 local churches, advocates for the homeless throughout the year and has the privilege of hosting the homeless community each month at a partnering church site.
On Saturday, March 15, we will be hosting the outreach, where guests will receive:

• A warm meal
• Essential care items
• Haircuts
• A message of hope while listening to uplifting music

Here is How You Can Help!

You Can Donate

Everything provided and served at our homeless outreaches is donated by persons like you who understand the gravity of being homeless and want to help. If your heart wants to help, you can donate any of the following items:

Hygiene Kit - You can purchase a hygiene kit for $25 or you can put one together yourself! Click the link below for the shopping list and drop-off information. To purchase a kit, click the link to purchase and select “San Jose - Outreach” from the drop-down menu.

Food Gift Cards – Food gift cards, such as Subway, McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc.,   are so appreciated by homeless individuals.

Socks – Warm sock are especially needed as we head into colder months.

Donated items can be dropped off at the Welcome Center in the lobby on Sunday mornings up until Sunday, March 9.

You Can Volunteer

Volunteers are also needed for the March 15 event. If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact Emily Seay at

Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness to change a person’s life.

Earlier Event: March 7
Friday Night Prayer
Later Event: March 16
Grow Tracks Class #3 - Purpose