A lesson from a Labrador


We live in a world of polarizing thoughts.  Jesus told us it would be this way, describing it as two competing kingdoms—one dark and earthly, and one flowing from heaven—a place of wholeness and health, filled with God’s Spirit and the abundant life we all crave.  There is one problem, though…the dark kingdom has a pretty cruel master and he loves to steal, kill and destroy.  He looks at those things God has for us—things that would bring us health and joy, and distorts our need or desire for them.  He fans the flame of our flesh and what we truly want gets lost in the “imbalance.” 

God’s promises are faithful, but so is this hunger of our flesh.  Paul told us not to feed it and he was on to something.  It sounds right—to feed something when it is hungry, but when it comes to our flesh, we can learn a lesson from the Labrador.  Yes, it is time for a Jeter story.  Our English Lab would eat all day if we let him.  The healthy food we give him expands in his stomach and lasts for many hours, but the minute he finishes eating, he gives us a look as if to say, “what’s next?”  One time, I didn’t know Steve fed him, so I gave him a second portion.  He gobbled it down, suffering in silence as it expanded within his stomach, still looking forward to dinnertime.  If allowed to, a food (flesh) driven dog will eat themselves into a very unhealthy state. 

We should be wiser than a dog, right? Even the world tells us countless ways to live a healthy lifestyle, but only God can help us overcome the lies that keep us from getting there.  After all, we have those Holy Spirit signals nudging us to choose the healthy option…go for a walk…eat something green…buy pants with a waistband instead of elastic!   

You and I have a God-given conscience, but we also have the living, speaking Holy Spirit within us who has our very best interest at heart.  He knows when we are listening to the wrong kingdom, and He starts speaking—often through the Word of God.  The Word becomes alive to us, revealing how to believe and receive God’s precious promises.  Here’s a great one: “Serve your God and he’ll bless your food and water.  I’ll get rid of the sickness among you…I’ll make sure you live full and complete lives.” Exodus 23:25,26 

“Full and complete,” “abundant,” “whole;” these are words God uses to describe His Kingdom life.  You and I are made of body, soul and spirit, and God wants to provide divine health to each of our parts. These three areas work best together: our soul can prosper with emotional health, not giving in to every fleshly desire or hormonal surge. Our spirit can tell our soul to listen to the Holy Spirit.  Our soul can make good decisions about eating and exercise.  Our moving body provides better circulation, helping our brain break out of a rut of bad habits, etc. 

Today, let’s look at our choices through Kingdom eyes, and we won’t be fooled by our flesh.  God will empower us to make the right choices every time, but we have to ask and surrender to His divine help and health.  Our flesh will tell us it is too much work—that we hate vegetables, but we are wise to these lies! God can even give us a taste for all things healthy!  So, let’s lift up our smoothie glasses and make a toast, “to Kingdom choices!”  Clink! 

By Pastor Jan Wilson