Deep Love


Although Christianity is a religion, I’m thankful it is founded on relationship. God is all about relationships! In fact, He wanted to be in relationship with us so deeply that He sacrificed His son on the cross to ensure it. His love covered the sin that separated us from Him and made a way for reconciliation. Isn’t this the most profound example of love? Love that is willing to sacrifice for another; even when it hurts. My heart melts each time I ponder this truth.  

Our relationship with God is the most important relationship we will ever have but God also intended for us to have other relationships throughout our lifetime. He knew that we would need each other as we live out His plan here on earth. But as you know, relationships can be a blessing and challenging at the same time. Thankfully, we serve a God that is an expert in relationships. He graciously teaches us how to have the healthy life-giving relationships we desire. The bible say’s in 1 Peter 4:8:  


“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other,  

for love covers a multitude of sins.”  


We are exhorted to show deep love for each other. The scripture states, “it’s most important of all”, and as you read the rest of the verse, you can see why… love covers sin. Why does this matter so much? Because sin hurts. You’ll find that most fractured relationships were a result of some type of sin (a shortcoming). We are imperfect people trying to love those around us and we don’t always get it right. People have hurt us and if we’re honest, we’ll find that we’ve hurt others as well. Life is messy.  

Aren’t you appreciative that God gives us the answer to overcome hurt and experience healthy relationships? God’s plan of deep love can breathe life into any relationship and heal those that seem irreconcilable. God can restore broken family connections and damaged friendships. He will also protect and cover the healthy ones we have.  


He is our best example of what deep love looks like. He loves us even when we don’t deserve it by seeing past our faults with the lens of love. We aren’t God though, so how can we respond to his instruction to love each other deeply? 

Deep love comes from experiencing the only perfect love out there, the love of God. When we can experience and receive God’s love, we are then able to give a measure of it out to the other people around us. In other words, when our vertical (God) relationship is strong all our horizontal (family, friends) relationships can be blessed also. Take the time to receive God’s love each day by connecting with him in prayer and bible reading. This will equip you to give out what he’s given you. Then open your life to others and serve them with the spiritual gifts He’s given you. When we serve one another with the gifts God has given us, it’s a form of love and we build stronger relationships.  


“Cheerfully share your home with those that need a meal or a place to stay.  

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them to serve one another.” 

 1 Peter 4:9-10 

By Pastor Genny Castaneda

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