Don't Get Separated


“If you remember that someone has something against you…go to them and be reconciled” Matthew 5:23b 

It is an uneasy feeling to think someone is out to get you and you do not even know why. That is exactly where David was with King Saul.  

How tempting it would have been to take Saul out. But not the case for David--a “man after God’s own heart--not executing judgement or seeking revenge. He showed mercy when mercy was not deserved. 

In 1 Samuel 26, we find that David is given a second chance to remove the thorn to his very existence, to his future. Scripture says, “that David had slipped over to Saul’s camp, while he was sleeping, where his spear was stuck to the ground beside his head.” Removing his weapon, instead of using it to kill Saul, David began to reason with his enemy… yelling out “Why are you chasing me? What have I done?” The sad thing is it was not as much about what David had done, as what Saul had become.  

That is what offense does! It tries to divide us and drive us away from one another. Matthew 5:23 says: “If you remember that your brother has something against you…go to him and be reconciled.” This verse tells us what we need to do: go to them, ask the tough questions, make a place for reconciliation to happen. Our part is to care enough to ask: “Hey, have I done something that hurt you? Are we okay?”  That is how we silence the enemy! 

Years ago, I had a close friend, someone I loved and trusted. Then one day, I was cut off and it devastated me. I felt rejected and abandoned and the hurt hit deep places in my soul. I felt like David yelling out to Saul, “What did I do?” only to be met with silence. Yes, my friend was silent, but God was not. His words were few but powerful, as He told me He was removing a deep root of insecurity…and He did. 

The Bible says offenses will come but let us be faithful to not let them separate us. Kingdom work can be messy. People can hurt us, and we can hurt others. Let us not let that happen. We need each other more than ever. 

By Pastor Dori Bannister