An Unclouded Heart 


The other day my husband and I decided to escape the heat and go to a movie. As we reclined our seats, waiting for the show, a fresh thought suddenly came to mind. Lately I have been giving special attention to thoughts or people—especially if it feels like God is shining a light on them; I truly do not want to miss anything He wants to show me. In that moment, I became mindful of how great it felt to have things open again. I observed people nearby, breathing in the atmosphere. God was getting my attention...I paused to listen.  

My thoughts took a quick turn, back to a day quite different from this one. As I was in a Target store, waiting at Starbucks, I looked across the store from one end to the other. All I could see were masks and people’s heads hanging down, avoiding eye contact with each other. The eeriness of the silence magnified the sadness and oppression in the air to a thickness you could almost touch.  

I felt despair trying to grab hold, but God captured my heart instead. He did not remove my concern for the people but reminded me I did not have to succumb to the atmosphere. In that moment I felt empowered to say “whoa,” to the oppression. I smiled with my eyes at the barista, starting a conversation. I greeted people. I was present with the Lord, letting him take control of my emotions. In the theater that day, God reminded me He can change everything—even in a moment.  

Matthew 6:22 says: “The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. If your heart is unclouded, the light floods in!”  Jesus also said, “refuse to worry...”  He wants us to experience an abundance far beyond the things most people strive for. Let Him un-cloud your heart. At any given moment you can stop the madness of worry-filled thoughts, focusing your attention on what God has to say. He does not need a lot—just some attention turned His way. Try giving Him a moment. How about now? 

Pastor Jan Wilson