Our Hope and Assurance


Heb. 11:1:  “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” 

At some point in your life, I am sure you have walked through a season of change or uncertainty. Whether big or small, those unknowns and “what ifs” can often bring about a bubbling sense of anxiety.  

A few years ago, I found myself asking God “why?” over and over again. My husband and I were in a season already saturated with newness, both exciting and challenging; I felt there could not possibly be anything else to add. I found myself questioning, “why is this happening Lord?” Those weeks of crying out led me to Hebrews 11.  

The definition of confidence is “the feeling or belief that you can rely on someone or something.” In those moments of asking “why,” I deeply desired someone to depend on, or something to have full assurance in.  

When we come to God confidently, we are proclaiming that His word is true, and our faith is not in vain. We may not be able to see the answer to all the uncertainties looming, but we can trust that the Lord knows the beginning from the end; He is Emmanuel, God with us. 

Matthew 6 reminds us that God feeds the birds and cares for the lilies, so how much more will our Father do to care for us? We can have confidence that there is not one part of our lives that our Father does not want to be deeply involved in.  

Whether you are going through loss, disappointment, or you are feeling stuck in a waiting season, “we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). That hope is Jesus. Not only is He interceding on your behalf, but He is with you in your questioning, walking beside you through each uncertainty. We may not know the outcome right now, but we can confidently stand on the truth of God’s Word. Wherever you are, I encourage you to take a moment right now and boldly proclaim Who our God is. There is great power in speaking truth out loud. 

By Chelsea Galindo