Focus on the Good


"Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!" Psalm 103:2-5  

“Focus on the good” is a phrase you’ve probably seen on a t-shirt or mug, maybe the cover of a journal. The saying is supposed to encourage us to find a bright point in life no matter what is going on. Focusing on the good is a charge to stay positive when a challenge comes, or suffering endures. I don’t know about you, but this is often easier said than done. Fortunately, the Bible gives us some advice.  

Psalm 103 points us to focus on all the good God has done in our lives and on our behalf. Many of the Psalms are filled with thanksgiving and praise for all the ways God has made his people victorious, healed and rescued them, justified and redeemed them. When we sing a song of praise, focusing on the good, something in us shifts.  

Every morning my kids and I dance in our living room, get our wiggles out and set the tone for our day. For the last several weeks I’ve put on this song each morning - “Praise” by Elevation Worship, and the song has been resonating with me. The lyrics go: 

“I'll praise in the valley, praise on the mountain   

I'll praise when I'm sure, praise when I'm doubting  

I'll praise when outnumbered, praise when surrounded  

'Cause praise is the waters my enemies drown in  

As long as I'm breathing  

I've got a reason to  

Praise the Lord, oh my soul”  

When we put the music on, I am often tired, sleepy, and overwhelmed with my to-do list. Some days I may feel discouraged from a circumstance or concerned about provision for our family. Whatever it is, I have found each morning shifts as soon as I open my mouth and praise the Lord for all that we’ve been given. Remembering God’s blessings and victories in our lives transforms our minds. 

Focusing on the good does not mean that when you’re having a hard day you aren’t supposed to acknowledge it. We aren’t trying to will a bad day or a bad feeling away with a forced smile.  But rather, amid frustration and pain we can have hope BECAUSE of all the good we have experienced already through the Lord. Proclaiming the goodness of God during hardship is our anchor of hope, our refuge (Hebrews 6:18). Gratitude is the byproduct of praise! So, when we live from a place of gratitude, we not only appreciate all God has done for us, but we then look to return the kindness moving forward.   

Whether you are on a mountain top and able to see the many blessings you’ve been given, or you’re in the deepest valley unsure if you'll ever see the end of this season - gratitude is NOT based on our circumstances. Make some time to praise God today for all He has done. And remember, God is GOOD because he is GOD.  

Share your thoughts in the comments.

  • Is there a specific circumstance you need to bring to the feet of Jesus this week?  

  • What are 3 things to be grateful for today amid what is going on in your life?   

  • What is one way you can pay forward the kindness God has shown you this month?