Going Deeper


“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”
Psalm 42:7

We’ve all experienced the lack of fulfillment in life—in marriage, raising a family, maybe even in the stage of life we’re in now. We seek the perfect life, our dreams and expectations drive us and sometimes we’re left feeling empty and disappointed. Longing for more isn’t wrong, but sometimes it’s misdirected.  

In the depths of our souls, there exists a longing—a longing for something more, something deeper. This longing was created by God, and it calls us to go deeper with him to experience true joy and fulfillment. When difficulties of life happen, a surface relationship just doesn’t cut it.  

As a child I was afraid to go swimming. I looked at the waters and looked scary, I was afraid it was too deep for me. But, little by little my grandma would help me in. She eventually taught me to swim, and thus faced my fears. In time I learned that I was not able to experience the joy of swimming and splashing around in a pool until I went “all in”. Staring at the pool from a distance, watching others have fun could not compare to my own experience.  

Unfortunately, many of us feel this same way in our walk with Jesus. We might dip our foot in the water, watch the miracles in the lives of people around us, but we ourselves have not experienced what a deep, life-giving relationship with Jesus can be.  

Friends, God is calling you deeper. He longs for you to experience the benefits of knowing His mercy and grace, to know true peace in the midst of a storm. To hear his voice as a Father speaking tenderly to you. He wants us to go “all in”.  

To go deeper with Jesus requires action on our part. We pursue His presence through prayer, worship and studying His word. We seek moments of stillness to hear His voice and receive His wisdom. When we step towards Jesus, He meets us every single time.  

I encourage you to go deep, to take the risk and see what is waiting for you on the other side. I believe as you do, you’ll find healing from past pain, you’ll experience the depths of his unfailing love, and you’ll find true joy and happiness on the inside. Going deeper starts with a decision, to trust God and to relinquish control. Are you ready for that today?  


  • What does going deeper with Jesus look like to you?

  • What areas in your life do you feel unfulfilled?  

  • What is one step you can take this week towards a deeper relationship with Jesus?  

Share your thoughts in the comments.

Carrie CannistraciComment