Freedom to Choose


I’ve been thinking a lot about the word “choice.” And the power that comes from having the freedom to choose. 

Many years ago, I walked into church after devasting news in my family.  I was heartbroken, felt lost and did not understand God’s ways, or what was happening in my life. The worship team sang a song about God’s goodness and through gritted teeth, in tears I sang, “When I don’t understand, I get to choose to love You, God” It was a declaration I whispered to myself over and over through many dark nights. It was an anchor for my soul that kept me tethered to Jesus. I will choose you when my heart is breaking. I will choose you when I don’t see the end in sight. I will choose you in the dark times, even in my heartache.   

You see, I believe, we think choice is about getting what we want, or being in control, but often choice is leaning into the hard places, the uncomfortable feelings.  Choosing the road less traveled, going against the grain.  Choosing to sacrifice, choosing to be obedient when everything within you cries out for independence, freedom, comfort or getting your way.  I learned that real freedom comes from choosing Jesus.  Choosing to trust God, ushers in a grace and a power to remain steadfast.  

John 8 says, “if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” Isn’t it interesting that it says it’s the Son that makes us free?  The Savior sets you free from sin, but the Son makes you free to live in Him.  The Son allows you to be a part of something bigger than yourselves. The Son brings you into relationship with the Father.  You are part of a family now. You are no longer alone. Your individualism is no longer the goal or path you are on.  You surrender your rights, your personal preferences, your self-satisfaction in the natural life.  You become free, or are made free in choosing the spiritual connection to Jesus.  Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ. I no longer live but Christ lives in me.” 

The power of choice does not rest in the word “freedom,” but in relationship to Jesus Christ, through abiding in His Word, and being His disciple.  Let me assure you that true freedom comes from surrendering control, laying down your will and choosing Jesus.  I pray that even when you don’t fully understand His goodness, His overwhelming love for you, He becomes your choice over and over. 

By Pastor Andrea Galindo

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