The Witness of Community


"And if one member suffers, all the parts share the suffering; if one member is honored, all rejoice with it. Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body, and individually [you are] members of it [each with his own special purpose and function]." 1 Cor. 12:26-27 AMP

Have you ever been a part of a team? Maybe you were on a sports team or collaborated with a group at work to finish a project. There's something special about contributing to the overall success of a goal. When we come together, we can pull on the strengths and resources each person brings to the table. That takes the pressure off any one of us to "do it all."   

The Bible talks about each of us like members of one body. We each have a function, a part to play, and not any role is greater than another. When it comes to reaching people for Jesus, it's great to keep this principle in mind. We are much more effective witnessing as a community, than as an individual. We do not need to carry the full load!   

 One member of the team will invite a new person to come, another will give an inspiring message, and one will provide the hospitality. One team member will lead the discussion and someone else will pray at the end. When we each utilize the gift God put inside of us, we partake in the transformation that He is doing. God uses each person to fill a role that is essential to reaching others.   


Most people want to belong before they believe. When they come to church for the first time, salvation isn’t their goal. The greatest desire is to belong - to find people to connect with and to feel seen.   

I encourage you today; ask God how He wants to use you in your community. You are called to be a positive influence in the world around you. When each of us step into that part, it's like pieces of a puzzle coming together. We can link arm in arm to paint a beautiful picture. Not one of us carries the picture by ourselves, but as a community, we can reach people just by being who God created us to be.   

By Pastor Cari Stewart

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