The Power of Spiritual Friendships


"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.” Matthew 11:19 NIV 

What did Jesus do to reach out to people? He sat down with them. He prayed for people and healed them. Jesus fed them and walked among them. People could see his life, how he lived daily and how he treated his family. Jesus taught them, cried with them, corrected them and shared meals together. He let them touch him, get close to him. Jesus modeled life before them. He demonstrated his relationship with the Father and his life of prayer.  

The Lord reminded me of a moment I want to share. I was having a hard time going through a process at my old church. I found myself thinking, “I can leave this place and it will be okay. It wouldn't be a big deal. I’m not actively leading in ministry anymore.” The ministry I once led was being done quite well without me and others were growing in their gifting. I didn’t feel angry about it so I reasoned that this was okay. My thoughts were interrupted by the Voice of the Lord speaking to me, “You have influence.” The voice shook me and revealed the power of influence I had.  

My eyes were opened to the fact that I had a positive influence to many of the people in the church.  I had prayed with them, shared meals, had great times of fellowship. I had watched some of their children grow from babies in the womb to be precious school-age kids. I could have made a major mistake by stepping away.  My selfish actions could negatively affect them. 

I believe genuine spiritual friendships stand the test of time. We see the disciples imitating what they saw Jesus do. He demonstrated how to walk this earth as a son and daughter of God. His influence was not only positive, it helped them to thrive and lay their lives down for others.  We are still benefiting from the wisdom Jesus used to create spiritual relationships with people. Let’s follow his example and do the same.  

We have the creator Himself living on the inside of us. Let him show you how to reach out to the people he puts in your pathway. I’ve moved to a new neighborhood so for me, it’s been making cookies and taking them to my neighbors! I absolutely love seeing their faces!  

He wants to give you ideas and opportunities. Listen, embrace what he shows you and Wisdom’s deeds will rule the day! 

By Pastor Clarice Green

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