Rediscovering the Holy Spirit


We can read, talk, and work for God and still feel empty. That’s because nothing can take the place of having a true encounter with Him and allowing Him to empower and transform us. When that happens, we are never the same. It has been my encounter with the Holy Spirit that has continued to have the most impact on my life. You are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to live a Spirit-filled life. Not an out of control, fanatical life, but a life to be lived, fully empowered, encouraged, and equipped. That kind of life comes from a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit, not to be feared, but to be embraced. It’s an invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good! 

Maybe today you feel tired, unmotivated, or just stuck. Let Him be your Helper. Or maybe you’re walking through a valley of grief and mourning. He wants to be your Comforter. Maybe circumstances have confused you, and you need a Counselor. Whatever the season, He is faithful to show up if you ask. If you want more of Him, He will give you more. It’s easy when we lack the benefit or experience of something to not seek it out, because we don’t see the value. 

There was a time I felt so alone and broken. It was a place of great desperation. It was in that place that I finally gave up and gave in. I remember praying, “God I want everything you have for me. If it’s in the Bible, I want it!” And it was in that place that I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of love, joy and peace. Suddenly, spiritual gifts came alive, and I had access to them! 

You can only give what you have received. How many people passed by the crippled man begging at the gate on their way to church before Peter and John showed up? They were just two regular guys who were full of the Holy Spirit, and because of that, they had something to give that would make a difference… “Silver and Gold have I none, but what I have I give to you…Stand up and walk! (Acts 3:6)” 

Maybe today you’re feeling dry, desperate, and empty, like you’re just existing without purpose and passion. It’s time to rediscover the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the gift that keeps on giving. Today if you’re unsure of how to unwrap and receive it, simply ask. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Let Him refresh you, restore you and rebuild you once again! 

By Pastor Dori Bannister