Called to be an influence


“God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 MSG 

Women in every season of life find themselves wondering if they are doing enough, if they are accomplishing enough, if they are making enough of an impact. Whether your season consists of a fast-paced career, an empty nest, or toddlers, diapers and sleep deprivation - your purpose is just what Jesus declared, “Go out and train everyone you meet.” This commission from Jesus can feel both daunting and unachievable. However, there is a significant portion of this scripture that we cannot just skim over. Yes, Jesus gives us a purpose to fulfill, but he also makes you this promise, “I will be with you as you do this, day after day after day.”  

There is nothing Jesus has called you to, that He has not equipped you to do. And there is nothing Jesus has asked you to do outside of His power. Jesus has placed you in this very season of life, in this time in history, with a purpose to accomplish in this generation. 


Whether you spend your day in a mom’s group, a corporate office, or a college campus, you have been granted influence. That influence may be with friends, your children, other women in a similar season, or in an unexpected relationship. There is no season of life that exempts you from the Great Commission. God wants to use your hands, feet, voice, failures and triumphs to impact people’s lives. What you have walked through and what you have overcome, is not just for you. 

Imagine your life is like one giant empty tool belt, and as you overcome painful situations and circumstances, as you walk hard roads and experience victories, you add another tool to your belt. As you walk about this lifetime, you will come across other women who need the tools in your belt. You will share your story of how God came through for you, and it will be just what they need to experience freedom. The joy is in the journey of partnering with Jesus to bring hope to broken people. You can do this.   

By Pastor Jenn Guirand

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