Share Your Story


“Share your story”. Some hear this and cringe, while others cannot wait to talk! I’m a talker, so I love it! Whatever your perception is, I want you to know that everyone has a story worthy of sharing. AND, you don’t just have one story, you have a collection of mini miracles and encounters where Jesus rescued you with mercy and grace. All of those are your stories. We get to live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit helping us to communicate his love in a way that inspires transformed lives. I challenge you to get comfortable doing this with boldness so that you can assist the Holy Spirit in these moments with others who need it.  

I serve in our Sunday school rooms at church. One morning, I greeted a parent, “How’s it going?” I asked before I was able to recognize that it wasn’t going so well. She was honest and quickly explained, with heavy discouragement, her decision to move towards a divorce. Through tears, as she's trying to check her child in, I realize I have nothing to say. So, I just listen. More parents begin to trickle in for drop off, and I could have just given her space, but I felt like this moment wasn’t over. I was locked in. She shared a few other things, and one detail stopped me in my tracks. She looked at her daughter and implied that she was worried about HER. I let her finish and felt compelled to share my story. I reached out my hand, tearing up with her and said, “Your daughter is going to be okay. You’re doing exactly what you are supposed to do. Raising her in church. I was raised by a single parent, and I am just fine. God loves your daughter more than you ever could, he will take care of everything. You’re a good mom.” Our exchange was short but precise, and I felt victory in the spirit. The worry that comes from hell is overwhelming, but it has no power over truth. 

I'm not a single parent, but I have experienced the kindness of Jesus through my years growing up around parents who struggled with addiction, one of whom abandoned me at 6 years old because of it. I felt rescued by Jesus when I learned about real hope as a teenager at an altar call. Growing up in a Godless home felt hopeless and dark, but the Lord restored my life and gave me a family I didn’t feel like I deserved. Being raised by a single parent isn't a death sentence, but the enemy sure wants moms, dads, and their children to feel that way. If we properly understand our inheritance through Christ, we know that He is the best father. The real Father who heals, restores, and reconciles us to him doesn’t dispose of us, nor would he ever forget our existence. Even in human abandonment, we are still HIS children.  

Maybe one day I'll get to share this whole story with her, but at that moment, it was about making room for a 2-minute encouragement to restore hope for the day. It was about reminding her that Jesus loves her little girl so much, and that both of them are taken care of. Being a child of God is our inheritance but being a sister in Christ is a privilege. I'm honored to share a small piece of what God has done and not keep it all to myself.  

When you get a chance to share a small piece of your story, don’t hold back. Be confident. You are not an imposter or a fake. Think of it this way, if you make room for others and share your story, the Holy Spirit does all the work. You just have to tell others what the Lord has done in your life.   

Pslam 71:17 O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood, and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do. 

By Pastor April Cannistraci

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