When is a rock not a rock?


The prophet Samuel declares – with great emphasis - in 2 Samuel 22:47 “The Lord lives!  Blessed be my rock!  Let God be exalted. The rock of my salvation.”    

I have to admit there have been times in my life when I didn’t exude the same exuberance as the prophet Samuel.  It didn’t feel like God was that immovable, strong force, that tower of strength in my life – at least my circumstances didn’t reflect that.  It seemed that people or forces beyond my control had gotten the best of me, and I began to question whether God was going to come through.  I began to make mental allowances for a less-than-victorious outcome. As a result, my faith waivered. 

Yet the Scriptures clearly tell us that God is the highest, most powerful force in existence.  He is omnipotent “El Shaddai” (Exodus 6:2-3), which means He is all powerful(Matthew 28:18). Humans are limited by time, space, and force, but God ’s capabilities are unlimited (Job 42:1-2).  He cannot be any higher than He already is.  Just like He cannot love you any more than He already does. 

So how can there be such a disconnect between our experience and what the Word says.  The key lies in the word exalted, which means to make high and powerful.  God can be raised and exalted (made higher and more powerful) in our lives through our understanding of Him.  It takes effort to build faith.  You can’t sprinkle magic pixie dust and suddenly have great faith.  Faith comes by hearing – and hearing the Word of God.    

As you continue to ingest the Word and apply it to your circumstances, you gain a better and deeper understanding of the powerful God you serve. He cannot be your rock without that understanding.   

Maybe you are going through some difficult circumstances. Maybe it seems like people or forces beyond your control are winning this battle.  Don’t limit the strength and power of El Shaddai because of your circumstances. Ruminate on His Word and let God be made higher and more powerful in your understanding - the Rock of your salvation.  I can get excited about that! 

By Pastor Carol Coen

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