Sharing the Gospel


As I was hustling around the kitchen on a busy Monday morning, I received a Venmo notification on my phone.  I swiped up to find a completely unexpected gift from a girlfriend.  The Venmo comment said, “Back to school week, coffee on me! Love you friend.” At that moment, as a homeschool mom buried in mounds of curriculum, school supplies, laptops, logins and two eager kids, I felt SEEN.  It refreshed my soul to know that I had a friend across town who was thinking about me and wanted to bless me.  

There is a story in the gospel of Luke where Jesus is traveling from one town to the next and in the midst of His travel, He notices a man: Zaccheaus. He was a tax collector, despised amongst his peers, a crooked thief, and, as the Sunday school song goes, “a wee little man”. And at this moment, he was perched in a tree as Jesus passed through.  The gospel recounts that Jesus “looked up”, saw Zacchaeus, called him by name, and invited Himself to Zacchaeus’ house.  In that moment, a desperate man felt SEEN.  Without any concern for what the crowd would think, Jesus sees a sinner, and makes him a friend.  The story goes that after a meal with Jesus, the rich and powerful chief tax collector repented, and made a commitment to return fourfold what he had unjustly taken from people.  He was a life changed by Jesus.   

My challenge to us women today, is to be people who SEE.  We are busy, we are tired, we are running from one task, one appointment, one deadline to the next.  Can we be people who slow down enough to see the struggling sisters in our lives?  Can we ask God to give us His eyes, so that we can call out by name the women He wants to reach?  Can we be the people who make ourselves available to share the gospel?  It starts by SEEING those in need, and making space in our calendars for a meal or coffee or even just a chat.  We love God well when we love His people and we share the gospel when we share our life. 

Acts 20:24 “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”    

By Pastor Jenn Guirand

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