Her Confidence


“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Prov. 31:25  

This scripture is the overarching theme for our Gateway Women TogetHER Conference this weekend. It encourages us to walk through life with strength and joyful CONFIDENCE.  

What is confidence? It is a trust that you will succeed not dependent on your circumstances, a firm belief in the power, trustworthiness or reliability of a person or thing. It is being sure that GOD will do what He said He would do!  

Each day, we are clothed in something—despite what we are wearing. Our words, actions and attitudes can be influenced by what is going around us. If we think something is unjust, if a friend betrays us, if bad news rattles us, we may not feel strong. Have you been there?  

However, to be clothed with strength does not mean there are not difficult days or big emotions. It simply means a strong woman knows where her strength comes from! Her hope is not based on her position, circumstances, or feelings. Her confidence is in GOD alone.  

Our confidence is rooted in what we believe. It is our anchor.  

Hebrews 6:19 says: “We have this certain hope [this confident assurance] like a strong, unbreakable anchor [it cannot slip, and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it] holding our souls to God himself.”  

An anchor is something used to steady a ship in stormy seas. Waves are raging, water is splashing high, the skies are dark, but the ship remains upright.  It is not listing to one side, not battered or broken. Instead, it churns ahead on a steady course, cutting through the waves, almost unaffected by the storm.  

We can be like that ship. The promises of God will steady us. A strong woman knows how to hold on with all her might, accessing an inner strength and confidence to walk boldly into any storm. And when you have this kind of assurance, you do not fear the unknowns. You can laugh without fear of the future!  

What do you believe today? I want to encourage you to put your hope in God’s promises. Do you know the promises? Search them out, write them down, say them aloud, thank God that they are for you. Hold on like an anchor securing itself to the foundation….and allow His word to steady you and bring peace for your future. God will NOT disappoint you!

God is strengthening women in this hour because we are not meant to sit on the sidelines. He is calling us to action--to rise and become all He created us to be. As we move forward in purpose together, there is nothing that God cannot do through us!  

You have influence in your family, community, workplace, school, church, ministry—and God wants to use you in greater capacity! You are needed because there is no one else like you. He has given you a voice, talents, and giftings to fulfill His purpose for your life. You have a story to tell, and we want to hear it.  

We are just a few days away from our biggest gathering of Gateway Women to date! This Saturday, June 11, is our TogetHER Conference for women of all ages, cities, and backgrounds. We will come together to worship, connect, and receive what we need to step into purpose. Join us and bring a friend—there is a place for you!  

You are loved,

Pastor Cari Stewart