The Nearness of the Father


“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. For I am the Lord Your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” (Isaiah 43:2) 
Can you remember experiences as a young child where you were trying to learn to swim or ride a bike? In those moments of uncertainty and fear, your mom or dad were there to cheer you on and offer words of encouragement: “You can do this; I got you.” Their presence made you feel safe and confident. 

 Or you do not have good memories because your parents were absent or disconnected, not interested in the things you did. I remember one terrifying experience. I was floating on a raft in a lake. All of a sudden, my dad rocked the raft trying to make me fall off. I was terrified, but he thought it was funny. It took a few years before I felt confident in the water, but I never forgot that lake experience. 

Our Heavenly Father is always nearby, definitely not trying to “rock the boat.” He sits with us, seeing the pain, capturing every tear. In that time of nearness, we can sense His heart and feel His breath. During life’s most challenging situations, we only need to pray, asking for His help, and He will be there to guide us, comfort us, and hold us up. He knows our every thought, every fear, every uncertainty. He longs to be invited into situations that need guidance, confirmation, peace, or comfort—actually, He wants to be invited into every part of our lives. But even though He is always near, we must “activate” and cultivate that relationship. How do we do that? We intentionally include Him in our lives: praying, pouring out our hearts, waiting for His direction, worshiping, praising, reading His Word.  

 Our Heavenly Father will never push you away. He waits for you to call out and turn your focus to Him. He wants to walk with you through the storms and celebrate with you in the victories. I invite you to spend 15 minutes right now with Him--do not talk, just listen—and feel His nearness as He tells you: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD Your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”  

(Deut 32:6) 

by Michele Guel