Victory in Jesus


Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank  God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Rom. 7:24-25 

Have you ever felt stuck in an unhealthy loop? You sincerely want to change, you set the goal, make the declaration to do it differently but find yourself sliding back into the same habit or mindset you tried to change?  

There have been seasons in my life where I have confessed and repented over and over again from wrong actions or attitudes.  I have asked God to change me only to find the same issues resurfacing in my daily life. It can be frustrating and exhausting to struggle with the same unhealthy tendencies. You can begin to think it’s hopeless for you. Maybe, other people can change, but your history or temptations make it impossible for you. 

The glorious good news of Jesus is that you and I canchange. We can experience true freedom.  

So, what’s preventing us? Part of the problem is we often try to change in the wrong way.  It seems our first instinct when we want to change is to do something. We think activity will change us. We want a list of do’s and don’ts. But, real change doesn’t come from just what we do. Resolutions, willpower, and best intentions are not enough.  

The apostle Paul understood wanting to please God, walk in freedom, and yet not being able to do it. The desire to be free from our shortcomings, habits, and failures must go beyond a vague hope to be better. It is a crying out and turning to someone outside of yourself. Only Jesus Christ, our Lord, can bring miraculous transformation and true freedom. 

When you have a relationship with Jesus, you become a new creation. You receive the power of the Holy Spirit that has the ability to set you free from sin and death.  Only the Holy Spirit can make the changes God wants to make in your life. You can’t reproduce the character of Jesus on your own or by your own strength. Philippians 2:13 says, God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.   

Freedom comes from surrendering our lives daily to Jesus. Let’s trust God’s Spirit to give us His power and grace to overcome. Thank God there isvictory in Jesus! 

By Pastor Andrea Galindo