You are Highly Favored


Luke 1:28-30 “28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” 29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.” 

We only know of a few angel visitations in the Bible, and this was a big one. I imagine heaven was rejoicing when Gabriel addressed Mary, on the edge of their seats, excited for her and anticipating the birth of their King, the Lord of Lords. The moment they knew was coming, the moment Mary did not expect. But isn't that exactly what favor is like? It's like an undeserved gift we didn’t ask for, the surprise we’re happy about but feel overwhelmed by. It can feel like grace landing in our lap with everyone watching or, just like Mary, being singled out and given an opportunity we don’t feel prepared for.  

In my own experience, I’ve found that favor isn't man made or coincidental. It comes from heaven as a gift, with the intention to bless and advance us towards God’s will. Just like the passage we’re reading today, it was unmerited and perfectly designed for Mary. 

The angel Gabriel, representing heaven and God’s army, delivered this message. The Lord sent his BEST to deliver the news of His Son. When we receive God’s favor, it’s holy, special, and sent with purpose. 


I think the concept of favor feels tricky because people want everything to make sense. And honestly, the world’s view of favor versus God’s favor greatly oppose each other. The world’s social constructs replay over and over... no one is better, no one should get special treatment, and if they do, it's called favoritism. Favoritism usually means that someone has something they haven't earned. Almost like someone is behind the scenes working to make a way for them. Sound familiar?  

I'm sure there are unrecorded moments when Mary was frustrated, called a liar or worse. But at some point, she had to believe what she knew was true and trust that the Lord was working on her behalf. Psalm 5:12 reads, “Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” The word ‘shield’ in this passage refers to a “standing shield”, a massive barrier that would protect a soldier's whole body. God’s favor for you is like a layer of protection over your life, designed to be worn as a full-length shield, keeping you safe. With favor comes protection so that you can remain unharmed and undamaged by any physical or spiritual attack.  


So, wherever you’re at with favor today, I want to encourage you to adopt the heavenly mindset when favor knocks on your door, take it and receive it. Wear it like a shield, one that is promised to the righteous. 

By April Cannistraci

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