You've Got This!


 Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life? I’m talking about being overwhelmed by just regular responsibilities, let alone unexpected pressures and trials. At times, I’ve found myself overwhelmed to the point where I feel like running away from everything. Don’t get me wrong, my life is great! But there are times when unrelenting responsibilities feel heavier than usual. If you’ve ever experienced one of those days, weeks, or even months, you’re not alone.  

Each of us has different roles in life and sometimes those roles are very demanding: being a mom, friend, daughter, leader, minister, CEO, etc. Each of us has different assignments in life, but thankfully God has given us the exact resources we need to be successful. I want you to know that God has equipped you for every role you hold today. My pastor once told me, “God has been preparing you your entire life for today.” Isn’t that great insight to hold onto?! This promise is true for you too!  

But if I can be honest, there are times when I don’t feel prepared, just overwhelmed. During those one of those moments, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper a scripture to me:  

”I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” -John 15:5 NIV  

God spoke some truth to me! I realized that I was so busy with life responsibilities that I put Him second to what I felt was more urgent. The truth is, when connected to the vine, we find the confidence we need. Apart from him we can do nothing, and our confidence dwindles as a result. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unprepared today, take a step away and connect to the vine (Jesus). Your role as a child of God is the most important role you have. Connect with Him every day and you will find that you have everything you need to bear fruit.  

You are the perfect person for every assignment He’s given you! 

By Genny Castaneda