Joy In The Mission


John 17: 13 ”But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.” 

I was recently interviewed by a friend who leads a podcast entitled "Moms Changing the World." Our interview focused on my life as a woman of faith, a wife, mother, ministry leader, and a tech leader in Silicon Valley. It was great to share with her audience my journey of discovering my calling through serving others using my DNA, passion, skills, talents, and experience, both in the sacred and secular spaces. At the end of the interview, my friend asked me a pertinent question which inspired me to write this devotion:  "What does it look like for me to live in the perfect rest (ie: joy / fulfillment) of the Lord in my life?"  

  As I reflect on this question in light of the Scriptures and my own journey of faith, I realize that the key to living with a deeper sense of joy and purpose lies in knowing that we are exactly where God wants us to be at a specific season of life, doing exactly what He wants us to do. This implies that we must seek Him daily, asking for His divine wisdom above everything else. Then He will guide us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Matt. 6:33: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all other things will be given to you as well.”  

  For me, the mission field has changed over the years depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the season of life I found myself in. For instance, today I have the assurance that I am being called to be a missionary in the technology world where I am leading teams the run consumer electronic facing products, touching the lives of millions of people globally. Therefore, despite all the spiritual giants I face every day at work, I have such a divine awareness that I am being used as the feet, hands, and heart of Jesus for a multitude in Corporate America, and it gives me great joy and peace. And having this deeper sense of joy in the mission field has enabled me to embrace the challenges of marketplace ministry similar to our forefathers in the Scriptures: Joseph in Egypt; Daniel in Babylon. They were also called to the Marketplace. 

 My prayer for you is that you will seek and discover your mission field in this very season you are in. It could be at home as a mom, an entrepreneur starting a new venture, a mentor for younger folks, a church/ministry leader, or an influencer in government, politics, media, entertainment, where there is such a great need for an awareness of our amazing Savior’s love and grace. As you embrace the calling of God in your life and serve HIM wherever He has placed you, you will experience His joy unspeakably full of glory despite all adversities you will face. Remember Jesus’ words to his disciples part of His last messages before crucifixion:  “I have said these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” John 16:33. He is our model, our purpose, our ultimate joy in the mission field. He is the Only One who deserves our worship, devotion, and our lives. Worthy is the lamb! 

By Marie-Ange Tagne