Abide in Him


Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5 

Are you walking through a difficult season? Do you feel overwhelmed by life and the many demands you encounter daily? 

Recently I found myself in a particularly challenging season. I felt the pressure of new responsibilities and a busy calendar, the weight of important decisions, relationships that needed attention, and it all felt heavy. I was also working through pain and issues which added anxiety and other unwanted emotions leaving me overwhelmed and frustrated. 

I began to cry out to God and ask Him how to manage this season. I felt burned out and depleted of strength. I kept hearing the words “Abide in Me”. I pondered what that meant and how to really abide while life was so demanding.  

The word “abide” means to remain, to live or dwell, to stay continuously. It’s a sense of living in Jesus, not “connecting when we need it” relationship. In this passage Jesus is comparing abiding in Him to a branch on a vine. When the vine is detached, it withers—probably much like I was feeling.  

Jesus revealed that “abiding in Him” was essential, especially in the season I was in. It was the missing ingredient in my day, and the answer that I so desperately needed. Instead of powering through my day, I stopped, paused, took moments to pray, connect, experience His presence, and feel his peace. I asked for wisdom and waited to hear His voice. I slowed down to abide, instead of giving into the urge to go faster. 

Jesus is inviting us to slow down, to enter into a constant, intimate relationship with him. This is not sporadic or “when we have time”, but a daily, moment-by-moment connection. He wants to be in the trenches with you. When you’re stressed out, feel stuck or just down in life, Jesus wants you to draw life and nourishment from Him. Just like a branch draws from a vine, we can receive immediate strength, sustenance, wisdom, and anything else we need, if we are connected to Him.  

When we find ourselves depleted, exhausted, weary or burdened, we need to ask, are we connected to the vine? Is Jesus in the center of our busy lives, or are we fitting him in? 

I want to encourage you to return to your source. Jesus is your answer, He has everything you need. If you’re weary, He will give you rest. If you are hurting, He wants to heal you. If you need wisdom, He desires to give it. In Him you can draw the nourishment you need, and bear GOOD things. Just like a vine produces fruit, Jesus will cause everything you are walking through now to produce something good in your life.  

He's waiting for you, go to him today and let Him sustain you!   

Pastor Cari