When Things Don’t Make Sense


Isaiah 26: 3- 4, “You keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself is the Rock eternal.”

Is there something going on in your life right now that just does not make sense? Are you asking God, “Why?“ constantly?

I can remember a season over the span of a few years where I asked the Lord “What good could this possibly bring?” The Bible says that He works all things together for our good, but I was having the hardest time trusting that promise.

I found myself wishing things were different, that I was living a different life, and believing I must have heard God wrong because there was no way this was how my life was supposed to be. My feelings were big and the issues going on in my life were real. No one would deny that something was wrong. I struggled to believe that God was in the things going on around me.

In hindsight, our vision is 20/20, but amidst chaos and challenges, things often feel insurmountable and never-ending. Our current and past circumstances can often outweigh our trust and belief that God is FOR us.

As I navigated the great confusion and doubt that God was in what was going on, I had to stake my claim on the promises in his word:

  1. Psalm 27:13 - “I remain confident of this. I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

  2. Joshua 1:5 - “I will not fail you or abandon you. This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”

  3. Phil 1:6 - “I’m convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus.”

I had to believe that what the Bible says is true as I memorized and meditated on scripture. I needed wise people around me to guide me through the times when I didn’t believe these things to be true. I had to worship when I didn’t feel like it to stir my soul to faith, no matter the circumstances. And I had to remember that God was in it with me every step of the way, whether I felt Him or not.

God can handle your emotions, your questions, your frustrations. I believe He is waiting for us to turn and ask Him what He has to say about what’s going on in our lives. If we come to Him with a real desire to not gain understanding but trust in Him, I believe He will reveal the ways in which He is smoothing out our paths. He will show us the ways in which He’s been moving on our behalf that we simply cannot see or comprehend. And our trust in the one who holds it altogether will propel us to faith that though it may not make sense, we can have perfect peace knowing HE is sovereign.

By Chelsea Galindo