Are You Tired or Weary?


Last month I caught myself waking up each day with a resounding fatigue. I found I was continually saying “I’m so tired.” Have you ever been there? It didn’t matter if I went to bed early, slept in, or rested during the day. I wasn’t ever feeling truly rested.  

As a wife and working mom of two, there are bound to be days where exhaustion hits. Whether it is a sleepless night with one of our babies, or the busyness of a full week. However, this felt so much more than mere tiredness from my circumstances.  

I believe there is a difference between weariness and being tired. You can feel tired from a lack of sleep or working too much and not getting a break. Weariness is the depletion of your strength and endurance; it's more than a physical fatigue, but an emotional and spiritual exhaustion.  

I was sharing with a friend my feelings and she reminded me of Matthew 11:28-30. “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.”  

I went straight to my Bible and, after reading this passage, felt an instant wash of relief. I realized I had simply been praying for the Lord to give me energy to serve my family, complete my work, and engage with my friends. Meanwhile, the Lord was waiting for me to turn to him and unload my burdens, in exchange for what he is offering – refreshment and rest for my soul.  

Isaiah 40:31 promises that “those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  

There is no quick fix for weariness. There is no 30 minute nap to cure it. But the promise we are given is that waiting on the Lord produces renewed strength. It doesn’t say strength enough to barely get through the day and pray for a better tomorrow. Isaiah 40:31 promises strength enough to soar like an eagle!  

Are you feeling tired today? Maybe you’re weary and you don’t even realize it. I encourage you to take a minute with Jesus today. Ask him to exchange your heavy load for His renewed strength. I guarantee He is just waiting with open arms and the rest you desire. 

By Chelsea Galindo