Becoming Bold: Empowered by the Holy Spirit


"But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you." Acts 1:8  

What an amazing time we had on Saturday at our Together Conference 2023! God moved in such a big way! I believe that we were empowered to take BOLD steps for God in this next season. God is going to use you to bring influence in amazing ways!  

Where does our boldness come from? It is not something that we conjure up in a moment of confidence. This boldness we are stepping into is supernatural. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers us and gives us the ability to face our challenges and fulfill the purpose of God in our life!   


One of the greatest abilities boldness gives us is the ability to speak out. This is especially needed for us as women. There has been an assignment against women since the beginning of time to silence us. The enemy wants to steal our voice. He uses intimidation, fear, and even shame to get us to cower; to shrink back and take ourselves out of the places God has called us.  

I want to encourage you; your voice is needed. God wants you to speak out and allow what He has placed inside of you to come out.  There is power in your words, in your testimony, in declaring the word of the Lord in your homes, communities and places of influence. You do not need a microphone to be heard. You need boldness, empowered by the Holy Spirit to share right where you are planted, in the face of whatever is coming against you.  


Are you hiding? Have you allowed challenges to cause you to shrink back? Who are you called to reach? No matter your age, your race, your life stage, or anything you have done or haven’t done, you have been qualified through Jesus to be used by God in a mighty way. 


In Acts, the disciples were promised both power and ability. And we have received this same gift from the Holy Spirit. You have more than just a gift and a voice, you have the supernatural ability to use them. And more importantly, God wants you to use them! 

Ladies, it’s time for us to step into our purpose. To silence the enemy and his voice in our lives. To war for our families, to raise up the next generation to stand strong and encourage each other through hardships.   


I want to encourage you today to ask for boldness. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you this ability so that you can be an influence. Watch and see what God will do in you and through you as you are empowered to live boldly! 

- Pastor Cari