Unrestrained Boldness


"And they proclaimed the word of God with unrestrained boldness." Acts 4:31  

 What does unrestrained boldness look like? The concept of being “bold” can feel unsettling. We might think of boldness as the attribute of a specific personality type or even an out-of-control emotion. But as seen in Acts, boldness did not come from anything they possessed. It was supernatural - a gift in their greatest time of need. Unrestrained boldness was the key to facing a major challenge head on.   

Boldness in this passage means freedom: open without hiding, fearless, cheerful courage, and confidence. Can we experience this kind of boldness in the middle of a trial? 

In the above passage, Peter and John were being threatened to stay silent, their very purpose at stake. Meanwhile, the community was discouraged. They felt defeated and unable to complete the mission God gave them. But believers came together, and they asked God to empower them, to fill them with the boldness needed to stand strong against one of the greatest threats they had ever known.  

What threat are you facing today? Are you battling a health challenge? Is your marriage falling apart? Are you concerned with how you will make ends meet? We can encounter real threats, and the enemy works hard to ensure these threats will prevail. It can be easy to give in, to retreat and believe that we will not overcome.  


But I want to encourage you today—with God, NOTHING is impossible! No matter what is coming against you, God can empower you to walk through your battle unscathed. He can help you face your fears and experience His incredible victory in your life!   

The key is to invite the Holy Spirit into your situation and agree with what He has said about your life. When the believers came together in unity, God showed up and they knew they would overcome! Do not agree with the doctor’s report, the negative words spoken against you, or even the fear that tries to steal your joy. Agree today with what God has promised, and His word will not return void.  


Ladies, we are talking about boldness at our Together Conference 2023 this Saturday, June 24. We will discover how to become bold in our pursuit of God, to discover healing, find our purpose and encounter the Holy Spirit in a greater way. Are you ready to step out into a new level of boldness?   

I believe this is your time. God is stirring us to a greater faith in Him. To be bold and courageous! To take big steps and accomplish big things. Join us this Saturday, let’s do this together! 

- Pastor Cari