I Will See The Goodness


Ps. 27:13 - I remain CONFIDENT of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 

Life can be heavy, filled with burdens, valleys, and pain. You probably have your own stories of difficult situations and seasons that you've walked through.  

In the middle of our trials, it can be easier to imagine the goodness of the Lord in eternity and the promise of heaven that awaits those who believe. The Bible tells of many mansions, streets lined with gold pavement, a city built for worship, white robes, horses, and palm branches. A place without sorrow, full of never-ending peace, joy, and praise. It will be glorious, and we can thank God that paradise is our promise. 

David tells a tale of HOPE in this Psalm, and it is not a hope anchored in eternity; it is a hope found in the middle of our today. David doesn’t say, “I want to see the goodness of the Lord”, or, “I think I might maybe see the goodness of the Lord.” David declares boldly, his confidence placed in this one truth, “I WILL see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” David refused to be crushed under his afflictions and instead planted himself firmly in the truth that he would outlive his troubles. Even the most seasoned saints can become weary in their faith when their spirits are overwhelmed and their flesh and heart fail. Think about this, has God been faithful to you? If you look back over your life, do you see the times that God has carried you in your weakness, fortified you in your battles, supplied for you in your lack, or healed your broken heart?   

If you have seen the goodness of God in any season, anchor yourself to that truth. If you are still waiting for God to move, anchor yourself to David’s hope. Take a page from his playbook and choose to confidently declare: God has goodness for me, in THIS life. Those who walk by faith in the goodness of the Lord shall in due time walk in the sight of that goodness. 

By Pastor Jenn Guirand