

"Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart." Eph. 1:11 TPT  

What is your purpose? I used to shy away from that question. Was it a job I had, a special talent or skill I possessed? 

I think purpose for many of us feels far away. We struggle to live out our purpose because we do not know what we are called to do. I always believed God called me to something, but I didn’t know how to find it.   

I worked as an executive admin, dealing with many details, scheduling, and writing emails. I helped run events, taught Sunday School since I was in Jr. High, and led a small group. I also single-parented two small girls, who are now young adults.  

I found meaning in each of these areas, but never thought they would be my sole purpose in life. When I was ordained as a pastor, something interesting happened. I stepped into a new role and began to do things I had never done before—or so I thought.  

 I was asked to lead a ministry, run events, teach, preach, raise up leaders, and manage the many administrative tasks that revolve around all these areas of responsibility. It wasn’t until I reached this point that I realized I was being prepared for my purpose all along.   

Each time I said yes to what God put in front of me, I was saying yes to my purpose. Parenting my children, serving, praying for others, loving people, and connecting with my community all had a greater meaning. These actions were not a way to pass time until I found my meaning in life, they were the training ground for me to do the very thing God wanted me to do.  


I have discovered that my purpose is to help others become all that God has created them to be- to be a coach, a friend, a mentor, whatever the need is. I had that desire in me all my life, but it came out in various ways. I can now see how purpose starts when we are created, and it grows as we do. 

 God has a purpose for you. There is a reason you are here on this earth today. It is not to just get through life. You are special, you are needed, and God wants to renew that desire in you.   


How can we align with God for renewed purpose this year? We start with what is in front of us. Get involved in community, sign up to serve, bring what God has put inside of you. Love your children, pray for others, be a friend. When we say yes where God has placed us, He will lead us into the purpose He has for us. He will open doors we never thought possible.   


I believe 2023 is a year for renewed purpose. Are you ready for what God has for you? If so, start in prayer today and ask God to show you where your first step is. You will not be disappointed! 

By Pastor Cari Stewart

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