The Ministry of Reconciliation


Have you ever been reading something when suddenly words seemed to jump off the page at you? That just happened to me recently. 

In my quiet time, I felt compelled to hover over 2 Corinthians 5:18 “All this is from God who has reconciled us to Himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” 

I was particularly drawn to two words….ministry and reconciliation. I discovered that reconciliation often refers to Jesus’ sacrifice being the payment for our sins which allows us to now stand completely forgiven before a holy God. That in itself is amazing! The Son of God gave His life to settle my debts and reconcile me, a sinful woman, back into relationship with God. I am so grateful! 

But the Holy Spirit challenged me to look further into the meaning of reconciliation and I discovered it also meant “the restoration of friendly relations.” During the past months how many once friendly relations have become damaged, seemingly past the point of repair, because of the polarization of our society? Friends who once gathered around the table now don’t even talk to each other….or when they do talk, it’s to prove a point, and things get heated fast. Families have become divided and even some churches have taken “sides,” disenfranchising the people they once served. 

When I learned that “ministry” refers to a person or thing through which something is accomplished, a light bulb seemed to go off in my head! We – the church – are the thing God chose to use to extend reconciliation in our own places of influence. We are the person through which restored relations can happen. Understanding the gift of reconciliation in Jesus, produces a grateful heart that overflows to the people around us. Then, we are able to live a lifestyle of reconciliation, extending forgiveness to others, choosing grace and stewarding peace in our relationships. 

What about those family members that are obnoxious and get on your last nerve? Is it okay to have an “ex-friend” if you haven’t made any effort to reconcile? Romans 12:18 says “…as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” And according to Matthew 5:9, “the children of God are called to be peacemakers”. Our ministry is to actively pursue peace by being willing to listen and by being slow and careful in how we respond. 

I have determined to answer this call….to be a peacemaker. I want God to be able to count on me in this much-needed ministry of reconciliation. Will you join me in prayer, asking God to get us ready for such as time as this? God, help me get rid of my pride, my need to be right and help me to see things and people through your eyes Lord. 

By Carol Coen